
Gen2Gen Night

On the third Wednesday of every month (September-May) we gather together as the full church body from 6:45-8:15pm. (The time may change based on the event, check the Church Calendar!) These nights are for all ages and seasons of life, and the goal is to strengthen relationships across generations through intergenerational worship, testimonies, service, and fellowship.

Check the church calendar for upcoming event details.

We hope you will join us!


Youth Clubs

Intentional discipleship of the "next generation" is highly valued at Finland. It is our desire to help embed faith that lasts a lifetime through fostering relationships with those in shared age brackets and across the broader community, with the goal of launching committed followers of Jesus into the Church, family, and world.

Youth ministry at Finland is an extension of our overarching vision to Gather to Grow, Nurture Faith at Home, and Make Disciples as we go!

For more information on age specific ministry, select a group below:


Child protection is important to us at Finland. Click HERE to see a copy of our Child Protection Policy.

Participation in youth clubs requires a parental waiver. Click HERE for a copy of our Youth Permission/Waiver Form.


CrossGen Conference

CrossGen is an intentionally "cross generational" conference held annually in January at Spruce Lake Retreat Center!

Click here for more information!