When Doubting Knocks Sermon Series


As we walk our own unique faith journeys, we will all encounter doubts. There is freedom in knowing that we are not alone in this, others have experienced and walked through similar struggles.

Is it possible to doubt well?

And might we find that engaging our doubts may lead us to a STRENGTHENING of faith?

 March 6  Pastor Kris Wint  Wrestling with Doubt
 Jude 1:22 / Matthew 28:17 
 March 13   Pastor Kris Wint  Doubting God's Faithfulness 
 Psalm 73:1-15
 March 20  Pastor Gerry Clemmer   Doubting God's Goodness 
 Matthew 11:1-19
 March 27    Pastor Kris Wint  Doubting God's Existence
 Romans 1 / Psalm 19
 April 3   Pastor Kris Wint     Doubting God's Power
 Psalm 22
 April 10   Pastor Kris Wint    Doubting God's Grace
 Psalm 51
 April 15  Prayer Gathering(Good Friday)   Doubting God's Presence  (Various) *Prayer Stations*
 April 17  Pastor Gerry Clemmer  Doubting Our Doubts  Luke 24:1-12

Lion Knocker