Kingdom Restoration - Sermon Series

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It’s all around us.

Something we’ve all experienced and will undoubtably experience again. In fact, we have all contributed to it and likely will again.

What is it?


Our world and our lives are full of deep brokenness in need of radical restoration.

How can we experience this restoration and transformation?

By turning to the One who made us! Join us as we explore how to experience true and lasting healing by confronting brokenness with the truth, power and goodness of the Gospel.


 February 26   Pastor Brandon Landis   Responding to Brokenness  
 Nehemiah 1 
 March 5  Pastor Kris Wint  Fulfillment of God's Promises  
 Nehemiah 2-3
 March 12  Pastor Kris Wint   External Opposition & Pressure 
 Nehemiah 4,6  
 March 19  Pastor Gerry Clemmer  Internal Sin & Weakness  Nehemiah 5 
 March 26  Pastor Kris Wint   Triumph of God's Grace  Nehemiah 9 
 April 2 (Palm Sunday)   Pastor Brandon Landis   A Call to Rebuild  Haggai 1: 1-15 
 April 7 (Good Friday)  Pastor Kris Wint  Tarnished & Stained  Haggai 2: 10-19 
 April 9 (Easter)  Pastor Kris Wint  Restored to Even Better  Haggai 2: 1-9 

Pile Stones