
Jesus was known for His love and favor for people who do not deserve it. In fact, no one deserves God's love, but He favors us anyway. Favor is demonstrated delight. Jesus remarkably proclaimed the year of Jubilee in His earthly ministry. Are His people proclaiming judgement or Jubilee to others? Christians are often thought of as judgmental and unwilling to associate with "sinners."  As His followers, how do we continue to proclaim Jubilee?

The Year of Jubilee was supposed to happen every 50 years. From the time of Moses to the time of Jesus thirtyyears of Jubilee were supposed to happen. The Israelites were supposed to cancel debts, release prisoners, restore inheritances, and offer atonement. Although the year of Jubilee never happened, Jesus fulfilled and proclaimed it. People flocked to Jesus even though He told the hard truth. When people are done talking to His followers do they feel God is judgemental or


do they feel that they are favored?

This sermon series examines Leviticus 25 and Jesus' proclamation in Luke 4. Join us as we look to proclaim Jubilee as Jesus did instead of judgment. Jesus demonstrated delight in people even as He held to truth. May we point people to Him and His favor for them.


Sermon Series Messages

May 31 - Proclaiming Jubilee Not Judgement

June 7 - Living Debt Free

June 14 - Living Set Free

June 21 - Living Richly

June 28 - Living Guilt Free