GenerationNOW - Sermon Series

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Did you know there are currently SIX generations living!?

Each generation has its strengths… and its shortcomings.


While we in the church often emphasize the “next generation” of disciples and leaders, is this mindset consistent with what we find in the Bible? Scripture shares story after story of God using ALL ages and generations for His kingdom work!


Join us as we elevate our expectation of all generations knowing and living out of the reality that God can and will use any person from any generation who is willing to humbly and obediently follow Him. May we all be inspired, challenged, and encouraged as we have our imagination sparked to consider the important role we each have in GenerationNOW!


 July 31  Pastor Kris Wint  When Generations Combine
 August 7    Pastor Gerry Clemmer   The Kingdom's Living Reminders 
 August 14   Pastor Kris Wint  Being Fearless for King Jesus
 August 21    Pastor Kris Wint  Driven by Kingdom Ambitions
 August 28  Pastor Kris Wint  Walking With a Kingdom Stride
 September 4   Brandon Landis  Living Grand For God's Glory
 September 11   Pastor Kris Wint    Inspiring With Kingdom Influence 
 September 18   Pastor Kris Wint  Rebelling for a Kingdom Cause
