For King and Kingdom - Sermon Series


“For King and Kingdom” is a guiding mantra for all who answer Jesus’ call to follow him.

Dive into the book of John with us to see how Jesus modeled this way of living and called all who follow Him to do the same.

 January 12  Pastor Kris Wint  The Sent One  John 1:1-18 , Genesis 1 
 January 19  Pastor Kris Wint   Sent by the Sent One 
 John 20:11-23
 January 26  Pastor Gerry Clemmer    A Kingdom Call
 John 1:19-51 
 February 2    Pastor Kris Wint  A New Lens   John 2:13-25
 February 9    Pastor Kris Wint  A New Birth  John 3:1-21
 February 16   Pastor Kris Wint  A New Vocabulary  John 3:22-36
 February 23    Pastor Gerry Clemmer  A New Belief  John 5:1-18
 March 2  Pastor Kris Wint  Living for King and Kingdom   John 5:19-47

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